Monday 10 June 2013

Catherine's comfort soup

This long weekend, I had a terrific visit from a lovely cousin who came to stay with me. We were on the go for most of the time - apart from some downtime to enjoy a Downton Abbey mini marathon! - so, we put the slow cooker to good use to make a lovely, warming soup to come home to after a busy afternoon of socialising.

Earlier that morning, we had visited the local markets and bought some gorgeous homegrown produce, including some beautiful parsnips and sweet potato. Here's how we made our soup:

Chop a brown onion and put that in the slow cooker with some chopped fresh organic garlic.

Add the spices: turmeric; cinnamon; nutmeg and ground ginger. Stir well in the pre-heated slow cooker.

Add the chopped vegetables: pumpkin; parsnip; sweet potato.

Boil the kettle. Add about four cups of boiling water and two vegetable stock cubes.

We left the slow cooker on high for about three hours and then on low for about another three or so hours while we were out and about. When we were ready to enjoy our soup with some delicious rye and caraway sourdough, we blended the soup to a think and creamy consistency.

The soup was delicious!!! I think we will want to make it again. As my cousin said, "It's a keeper!"

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